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Welcome to Equinox, where we empower the future with solar energy. Discover our expanding range of tailored power back solutions, designed to meet your unique needs. Embrace the power of the sun and join us on the path to a brighter, cleaner future. Experience our decade-long commitment to residential and commercial solar products. As pioneers in the industry, we offer unmatched performance, environmental benefits, and a promising partnership for a greener Pakistan. Maximize your solar energy system’s efficiency with our expertly designed solar batteries. Store surplus energy for reliable power day and night. Join the movement towards a more sustainable future and liberate yourself from the constraints of traditional energy sources


Your Passport to Exquisite Basmati! As a premier exporter, we bring you the finest Basmati Rice, cherished in the UK, UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, and beyond. Our pride lies in delivering unrivaled quality sourced from trusted Pakistani farmers, processed with cutting-edge technology for purity and excellence. We take pride in offering high-quality rice that meets the diverse tastes and preferences of customers worldwide. With decades of experience and unwavering commitment to excellence, we have earned the trust of global rice traders. Explore our extensive range of offerings and see why partnering with us is your pathway to success in the competitive world of rice exports. We understand the international market dynamics and are fully equipped to meet your specific requirements. Choose us as your reliable rice supplier and unlock the potential of global markets.


Experience the extraordinary purity of our Himalayan Pink Salt sourced directly from the renowned Khewra Salt Mine. Meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans, our 100% natural Pink Salt ensures authenticity and uniqueness. Discover the countless health benefits and rich mineral content of this original Himalayan treasure. Elevate your culinary experience with our wide range of products, including cooking plates, sauna tiles, pink salt lamps, and body detoxes. Immerse your space in elegance with visually appealing Himalayan Pink Salt. We offer private packaging and labeling options, specializing in customizable Jars and Pet-Pouches. Trust us for exceptional quality and unparalleled customer service.

We supply only the Best Solar Energy products to achieve Maximum Efficiency and Optimum Reliability.
Convert Sunlight Into Energy to save your high rising electricity bills.
You can use solar in day time only as well
Our Solutions can be easily Financed through Major Banking partners. Our team will guide you above all the financing options available matching your specific needs.

Net Metering

The Government of Pakistan is promoting investment in the generation of small scale distributed Renewable Energy, through the Alternative Energy Development Board (AEDB), on the basis of the Net-Metering concept.

Net metering is an electricity policy for consumers, who own / plan to setup a Renewable Energy facility, which allows them to produce electricity for their own use and supply the excess produce to the national grid setting-off units of electricity consumed during off-peak hours or at times when the production from RE facility is not enough to meet the consumer load. The consumer will either pay reduced utility bill or get paid for access energy exported to the grid, as stated in the contract with the relevant DISCO.

As per these regulations, any customer of the national grid (having three-phase connection) can avail net-metering facility for small-scale (5kW to 1MW) Renewable Energy installations.